A community where KINDNESS is the only rule.

471 Ridgewood Crescent
London, ON, N6J 3H7


Sunday Service at 9:30a.m.

Sunday, May 12th 

Reflection this week: “Its a Fascinating Place! - Molly Croxall”

John 15: 1-8

Rev. Charmain Bailey

Who is Charmain Bailey?

Check out her Bio here: https://www.mntzion.ca/team

Our Vision Statement

 Mount Zion United Church strives to be an inclusive, caring and joyful village:

·     A place where we are safe to explore our spirituality without people judging us and telling us what to believe.

·     An opportunity to worship and give thanks for our blessings as we remember the good news that love wins in the end.

·     A place to experience the Mystery of Life and Love that we call God.

·     A community of friends who support one another and help the wider community.

·     A place where our core values are Kindness, Respect and Fairness.

·     A place that proclaims an inclusive welcome to all people in the full spectrum of gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnic identity, age, ability and social class.

·     A place where everyone is invited to participate in all aspects of the life and work of the church.

Affirming Ministry

On July 23, 2023 we became an Affirming Ministry.

The Affirming Ministries Program is a network of primarily United Church ministries that strive to be fully inclusive of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities.

Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge that Mount Zion United Church is on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabek, Haudenosaunee, Lūnaapéewak and Attawandaron Nations, on lands connected with many treaties such as the Dish with One Spoon Covenant Wampum. 

We also acknowledge our neighboring Indigenous communities: the Chippewas of the Thames, Oneida Nation of the Thames and the Munsee-Delaware Nation who continue to be sovereign Nations and who continue to thrive with their own unique and languages, cultures and ceremonies. 

It is our responsibility to contribute toward Truth and Reconciliation by working together respectfully with Indigenous communities through learning and rebuilding positive community services.


Over a year ago, my wife and I were talking. I was feeling empty spiritually. I need that church community. I was attending another church but because of work was able to attend regularly and thus lost touch with that group even though I was a charter member. So I looked up 2 churches. The Anglican on Springbank and Mt Zion. Pastor Paul responded, and we met for coffee. Paul lives by the church motto treat everyone with love respect kindness and compassion. He is the perfect person to be a pastor. I grew up in Baptist tradition but always enjoyed learning from other denominations. I have learned so much especially about lent and post easter and what Pentecost means.

The people of my Zion are the most welcoming group of individuals i have met. We started small group just before covid 19 and enjoyed meeting people on a more one on one level. The first Sunday I was there I met Heather Walton who is professional cook chef like me. We have become good friends and have stayed in touch through covid. I look forward to when we can get back together.

Thanks , John Lapier

I grew up in the church but left as I came into young adulthood. I never really felt that I had a place in the church until Paul joined as our minister. He made me feel like a friend and brother to him. Ever since, I have been helping out where I can, and he has made me feel like I have the freedom to explore my ideas and has encouraged me along the way.

Kyle Van Alstyne